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Indonesian traditional & classic fabric on exclusive primissima cotton

for wedding gift, official meeting clothes & fashion materials.

Appropriately worn at corporate & state meetings.

Made in Solo Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

Completely handmade by traditional batik craftsmen.

Diligently processed with traditional canting, natural dyes & organic wax.

  • Shopping with Rupiah currency. Trusted purchase transaction feature with e-commerce service Tokopedia. Professional shipping services by JNE Express throughout Indonesia area.

  • Shopping with US Dollar currency. Safe and secure transactions with PayPal online payments system. International shipping service by FedEx throughout world wide.

  • Shopping on direct line, providing all transaction requests. Product price adjustments, currency choices & shipping methods will follow your request. Tell us everything you need!

Artistic Culture

Batik is made by a process of holding color using hot wax repeatedly on the fabric to produce a suitable and perfect composition of batik patterns and colors.