“Nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih.”

A place to crush cane sugar sticks & extract the juice.

PT Madu Baru is a company owned by the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate which operates in the sugar cane agro-industry sector. This company is headquartered in Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. PT Madu Baru was founded to take over the former Padokan Sugar Factory which was destroyed due to the war and established a new factory on the land under the name Sugar Factory and Spiritus Madukismo Factory. This factory is now the only sugar cane factory still operating in Yogyakarta.

“Nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih.”

Ancient machines & railroad tracks.

Hamengkubuwana IX as Sultan of Yogyakarta then proposed the construction of a new sugar factory at the former location of the Padokan Sugar Factory which was destroyed as a result of the Second Dutch Military Aggression on December 1948. Apart from maintaining domestic sugar production, the re-establishment of the sugar factory was intended to expand employment opportunities, at that time many sugar factory employees were forced to stop working, because the factory was destroyed. The Indonesian government then purchased sugar and spirits production machines from East Germany for this purpose and company was officially founded on June 1955.

“Nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih.”

Some sugar factories only operate during the harvest season, while refineries can operate all year round.

Apart from producing sugar and spirits, this company also produces alcohol and hand sanitizer. The milling season lasts for six to seven months, from April to October. Outside of the milling season, sugar factories carry out maintenance on their production machines. With 1,000 employees the company is capable of grinding 3,000 tons of sugar cane and producing 25,000 liters of alcohol per day. The Madukismo Sugar Factory is one of the sugar factories that still maintains Decauville-based rail transportation. The sugar cane that is ground at the factory comes from sugar cane plantations from various districts in the DI Yogyakarta region and several areas in Central Java.

The use of sugar in Indonesia continues to increase every year along with the growth of various food and drink creations.

Civilization, rulers & technology.

The Madukismo Sugar Factory is currently also known as a tourist attraction. This agrotourism was opened to the public on April 1993 and inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Through this activity. Visitors to the Madukismo Sugar Factory can get education about the process of processing sugar cane into sugar crystals and the process of making spirit alcohol. Not only that, visitors can also ride trains which are often used to transport sugar cane or lorries to get around the factory area.

P.G Madukismo Sugar cane milling factory & agro-tourism area.

Superior product commodities for export

A large, old building with an industrial era feel, ancient machines and train tracks that serve as a route for trains carrying sugar cane will greet you when visiting the Madukismo Sugar Factory. Visitors can feel the feeling of traveling by train like going back in time when they are in a carriage pulled by an old diesel engine locomotive made in Germany. The train will take you to the factory area via old railroad tracks and plantations near the factory. In certain months, visitors can directly see sugar production going through the stages of milking the sap to obtain sugar juice, purifying the sap by sulfitation, evaporating the sap, crystallization, sugar spinning, and packaging. While observing the production process, visitors can also see the old machines that are the production tools in this factory.

“Nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih.”