Photo by Prakoso Composed by D. K. R. Ranoem

Straw compost application significantly reduces the need for inorganic fertilizer.

Take all needs

Beef has many fans on domestic and international market scale. Even though at certain times, the price of beef skyrockets, it is still sought after and bought. Because of its popularity and high market demand, the availability of beef needs to be maintained to avoid shortages. Cattle farms need to ensure that the meat circulating on the consumer market is neither too little nor too much.

The quality of the cow itself will depend on the care of the calf.  One way to care for calves is to pay attention to their food and drink intake. Keeping the drum clean is very important to prevent disease attacks. Clean diligently the pen every day and ensure good air circulation and avoid noisy environments.  Regularly monitoring the calf's health can be done by checking the eyes, stomach, nose, mouth and other parts of the body. In special circumstances, a vet examination also needs to be carried out to determine whether the calf is healthy or requires additional treatment. 

Basically, when a calf is born, it must consume its mother's milk for up to 4 days. This is because the calf's digestive system is still not perfect. After that, the calf can be given substitute milk, pure milk. When the calf is 1-2 months old, the calf can start to be weaned and given other feed, such as grass.

When gets enough nutrition & best care, calves can grow healthily & become fatter, producing more & better quality meat yields for consumption.

The health and daily nutritional intake of pregnant cows certainly needs to be carefully considered. Because if the mother is healthy, the calf that will be born will also be healthy. Providing feed with nutritional content that is sufficient for cows' daily intake is very necessary. It is also recommended to provide feed with a high protein content and add molasses to the cow's feed to increase the cow's weight. Give pregnant cows clean water every day and ensure that pregnant cows do not starve and always maintain their food portions to support fetal growth and help facilitate abundant milk production.

The type of cage that is suitable for caring for newborn calves is a box type cage, this cage needs to be made to be used by calves from birth to 4 months old. This cow pen can be made using wood or bamboo, providing a comfortable cage base for the calf using straw.

Get better access to healthy and quality food products

Feel the closeness and warmth of the enchanting local culture.

‘Zero Waste’

Straw is a by-product of agricultural businesses in the form of dried stalks and stalks of cereal plants, after the grains have been separated. The mass of straw is approximately equivalent to the mass of harvested grain. Straw has many functions, including as fuel, animal feed, bedding or flooring for cages, packaging for agricultural products such as eggs.

Straw can be used as a source of dietary fiber for livestock. Straw has lower nutritional and energy value than green hay, but with the presence of symbiotic bacteria that digest fiber in the stomachs of livestock, heat is produced and can be used to regulate the body temperature of livestock. Rice straw contains a small amount of protein, fat and starch and relatively high levels of crude fiber. Rice straw needs to be treated biologically using probiotics to increase the digestibility of rice straw and the amount of consumption. In the rainy season, rice straw is given in small quantities, while in the dry season breeders generally give rice straw as the sole forage.

Rice straw is an agricultural crop waste that has great potential as forage for livestock, especially in dry and barren areas, as well as a source of organic material for agricultural soil fertility.

Rice straw consists of leaves, fronds and segments or nodes. These three elements are relatively strong because they contain high amounts of silica and cellulose so their weathering takes a long time. The nitrogen and potassium content in rice straw are nutrients that are really needed by plants. The use of rice straw as organic fertilizer in rice fields is an important effort to maintain the availability of nutrients, and also plays a role in maintaining the population of soil microbes. This step is also expected to reduce the volume and impact of agricultural waste pollution on the environment.

The combination of organic fertilizers with inorganic fertilizers is a promising approach for developing more sustainable fertilization strategies. In implementation in the field, farmers need guidance on a combination of inorganic fertilizer and rice straw compost that can produce maximum production, low costs and can restore soil fertility. The addition of straw compost can significantly reduce the need for inorganic fertilizer and increase soil fertility and dry grain yield. 

Popularity and high market demand of beef on domestic and global scale.

Villages are a vital part that cannot be separated in the hierarchical structure of the state. There would be no country without having the smallest parts which in the context of the Indonesian state are usually called villages. Indonesia was originally a local community that had territorial boundaries, was inhabited by a number of people, and had customs for managing its own region. The village and its government have experienced developments and ups and downs from time to time until now.

The village is the most basic authority in the government system. Villages have autonomy in building and running their own government. A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that has the authority to regulate and manage government affairs, the interests of local communities based on community initiatives, original rights or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the State government system.

Rural Communities

‘The concept of development in villages is a priority in development, so that villages and their communities can develop and be independent and can face various development challenges. The touch of village development continues to be carried out in an effort to empower villages and their communities.’

Human resources have great potential to help accelerate the process of improving the economy of village communities. All efforts to improve the economy will not be separated from human resources in the village as the main actor. Building human resources is very important for the state government to achieve significant improvements in the economy of village communities. Care is needed in observing the lives of village communities to discover their great potential in the fields of special skills, handicraft products, tourist attractions, agricultural products and culinary riches.

The economy of rural communities is an indicator of the success of a country's economic development. This is because the smallest part of a country is a village. Efforts to advance and improve the economy of village communities can be done by increasing infrastructure development, advancing village potential and building human resources in the village.

Increasing infrastructure development is very important to improve the economy of rural communities. Adequate infrastructure makes it easier for village communities to mobilize goods and services in and out of the village. Infrastructure progress will also attract business actors to come to develop villages. If there is investment, the development of transportation facilities to facilitate economic activities will increase. Each region can develop commodities according to the potential resources and markets available.

‘At local markets in villages, livestock products can increase protein consumption in village communities. National animal protein consumption could increase, which has implications for improving the quality of human resources in the country's population.’

The potential of natural and human resources in the village must be a source of strength in developing the village economy. Community based village infrastructure development is one of the strategic steps that needs to be taken to create an independent village. Village communities should be involved as development subjects so that the infrastructure that has been built is sustainable and able to answer community needs.

The livestock business in the village has good prospects. The prices offered can be competitive because production costs in livestock businesses in villages are relatively lower. In addition, better road access for transporting livestock products makes it easier for livestock products to be marketed to various regions. The potential resources available in the village can be optimized in efforts to develop livestock commodities.


Each region can develop commodities according to the potential resources and markets available.

Food Resilience

One important aspect of national unity is food sustainability. By choosing local products, we contribute to creating food independence. Local farmers and livestock breeders will feel the positive impact, while consumers will simultaneously get better access to healthy and quality food products.

Conditions for fulfilling food for society and individuals are reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, varied, nutritious, equitable and affordable and not in conflict with religion , belief and culture of the community, to be able to live a healthy, active and productive life in a sustainable manner by utilizing the potential of natural, human, social, economic and local wisdom resources independently and wisely.

By shopping at the traditional people's markets, we participate in preserving the nation's cultural riches while strengthening and supporting the preservation, distinctiveness and diversity of cultural heritage that has been passed on from generation to generation.

The shopping experience at the Traditional Market is not only limited to buying and selling activities, but is also an opportunity to feel the closeness and warmth of the enchanting local culture. In every corner of the market, visitors can feel the nuances of people and society daily life which is thick with traditional values ​​and local wisdom. By choosing products from traditional markets, the community directly supports traders to remain empowered and involved in local economic activities. Preserving local market culture.

The shopping experience at the Traditional Market is not only limited to buying and selling activities, but is also an opportunity to feel the closeness and warmth of the enchanting local culture. In every corner of the market, visitors can feel the nuances of people and society daily life which is thick with value.

“Local wisdom is a form of cultural wealth that must be upheld to preserve the social & natural environment with full responsibility & awareness.”

A group of livestock buyers came in the morning to get the best cows.

Manure Commodity

Ducks have a very wide distribution and can be found in almost every region of the world. Ducks are acceptable in densely populated areas. Ducks eat a variety of foods, such as grass, aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms. Some types of ducks can also interbreed, but produce offspring that are sterile. In general, ducks are monogamous animals, even though they bond this generally only lasts one year. Most ducks breed once a year and prefer suitable conditions in the summer or rainy season.

Throughout the world, ducks have many predators. Young ducks are generally vulnerable due to their inability to fly. Young ducks generally fall prey to large fish such as pike, crocodiles and other water hunters, including fish-eating birds such as herons. Duck nests are often robbed by land predators such as monitor lizards, snakes or large birds such as eagles or owls.

‘The existence of poultry populations has entered at all levels of society, from home-scale farms to companies. Poultry farms are spread across various regions in Indonesia. The nutritional need of meat from poultry continues to increase from year to year.’

Ducks are farmed for their meat, eggs & droppings.

Poultry manure is very high in nitrogen and also contains good amounts of potassium and phosphorus. High nitrogen and balanced nutrients make chicken manure compost the best type of manure to use.

Providing chicken manure fertilizer can improve the soil structure to make it more loose so that plant root growth becomes better, apart from that, chicken manure fertilizer also plays a role in increasing the water absorption and holding capacity of the soil, so that the water needed by plants is sufficient.

Gallus Gallus

Free-range chicken is a type of poultry that has become popular in the community and is spread throughout the archipelago. For Indonesian people, free-range chickens are nothing new. Free-range chicken farming has a large role in supporting the economy of rural communities because it has high adaptability (naturally) and is relatively easy to maintain.

The history of native chickens begins with the first generation of native chickens, namely the descendants of the red jungle fowl. This type of native chicken has been known since the time of the Kutai Kingdom. At that time, free range chickens were a type of offering to the kingdom as tribute from the local community. Having to pay tribute means that village chickens are always raised by village residents and ensures that native chickens remain sustainable. Apart from that, free-range chicken really suits the tastes of local people. The habit of raising free-range chickens is what makes these chickens easy to find in the country. Until now, the tribute system in the sense of moving goods (free-range chickens) from villages to cities still exists. The difference is, this time the move is more business in nature.

Essential Nutritional

Free-range chickens need more food to turn into meat because they walk a lot. Providing sufficient feed and the right nutritional composition such as corn, green beans and rice bran is very necessary so that free-range chickens can develop well and have high levels of egg production.

Free-range chickens are liked because their meat is chewy and "full", not soft and not fatty like purebred chickens. Many Indonesian dishes still use free range chicken because the meat is processing resistant, not destroyed during processing. Free-range chicken meat has advantages over broiler chicken meat because of its higher nutritional content. Chicken breast meat is one of the main foods for bodybuilding athletes. The meat contains 19 types of protein and high levels of amino acids. The fat content is also relatively lower compared to the meat in the thigh. Local chickens are kept by the community mainly as a source of animal protein in the form of eggs and meat. The essential amino acid content in free-range chicken eggs and meat is really needed by the body and plays a role in improving people's health.

Prosperity from meat, eggs & poultry droppings.

Poultry is often cultivated to meet market needs.

Ducks are one of the animals that are included in the poultry type. Apart from being in the wild, this furry animal is often cultivated to meet market needs. Just like other types of poultry, ducks have special characteristics that need to be understood. As an animal belonging to a bird species, ducks are also included in the Anatidae family. Poultry is generally defined as livestock with wings. Ducks have very diverse types due to interbreeding between species. Not infrequently, the true parentage is very difficult to determine. Generally, ducks can survive for two to twelve years.

Ducks have physical characteristics based on the anatomy of their heads, bodies and feathers. Duck heads tend to be small, sticking down, like a question mark. On the head, there are round eye structures like brownish papaya seeds. There is a wide-shaped beak that is dull white, brownish, to black. The duck's head is also equipped with ear holes that automatically close when diving. This can prevent water from entering the eardrum.

Ducks have long necks, but not as long as geese. Even though it is long, a duck's neck is not shorter than its body. Generally, ducks' bodies tend to be fat. However, things were different when ducks were still ducks with slender bodies. Apart from that, there is a swimming membrane as a connection between the fingers which makes it easier for ducks to swim. More than that, the membrane helps keep the duck's feet from sinking too deep in muddy areas.

Winged Livestock

Ducks have a variety of feather colors and this helps them adapt to their environment. In brown-furred ducks, for example, the color can help them camouflage among trees. Meanwhile, in white ducks, this color helps them adapt to heat in hot weather. Meanwhile, the duck's black color helps it adapt thermally in cold weather.

Ducks are effective plant pest hunters, they eat small animals such as insects, worms and golden snails. Ducks have special glands that produce oil in the tail for cover the outer layer of the fur so that it is resistant to water. Duck habitats can be found in water areas such as rice fields, swamps, lakes and rivers.

A rooster trader shows off his rooster to buyers at the Gawok market, Central Java. This rooster is a superior breed.


Keep Alive

Duck females do not incubate. Ducks are hatched by another parent or using an incubator. After hatching, death is very prone to occur. Extra care is needed to get the desired results and make the ducklings fat quickly.

Sorting duck seeds is required in the same quantity. For rearing in large or large capacities it can be a problem because the big ducklings will beat the small ducklings. In terms of food, of course there is more or if there is a stampede it can trample the small ducklings. Apart from that, sorting and grouping also aims to regulate the temperature according to the age of the ducks. This appropriate temperature is one way to keep ducklings alive.

Cage heating is needed for ducklings aged 1-3 weeks. At that time the ducklings need to adjust to the cage. The heater can use a light bulb that is continuously lit during the day and night. It is necessary to place the lights at a number of points in order to distribute the heat evenly. If the ducklings gather in one spot, this indicates that the heat is not evenly distributed. A gathering of ducks at one point has the potential to crowd each other and die.

Air circulation is needed in the duckling cage by creating adequate air ventilation. The cage needs to be covered with plastic or tarpaulin around the cage to regulate the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the cage and avoid excessive wind entering, because ducklings under 3 weeks are still susceptible to respiratory diseases.

Set a feeding schedule by feeding small portions at frequent intervals to avoid mold growth in food or wasted feed. Giving vitamin and antibiotic can support growth, stimulate appetite and make the body more immune to disease.

In general, duck are more immune than other poultry. However, malignant diseases can still attack or various methods can cause ducks to die at an early age. A clean drum that is not wet or damp is very necessary for ducklings aged 1-3 weeks. A dirty and wet cage will make disease grow more quickly. Regular spraying of disinfectant also needs to be done to kill germs in the cage.

A collection of one week old ducks being sold at the traditional village market, Central Java.

Grass with Cavities

In raising poultry, some people certainly optimize the cage to become a habitat for livestock. Bamboo raw materials are easy to find so breeders can easily make them themselves. Apart from that, the price of raw materials is quite cheap and can also be adjusted to the size desired by the breeder. Bamboo baskets are commonly used by household chicken collectors.

The simple and economical shape is the advantage of bamboo cages. The price of bamboo cages is affordable and not too expensive compared to other types of cages. Bamboo has the basic properties of high strength, low volume weight, and is easy to work with using simple tools. Bamboo is easy to grow and does not require special maintenance. Even though there are many types of bamboo, only certain types have sales value. The types of bamboo that are often used for building construction in Indonesia include wulung bamboo, legi bamboo, petung bamboo and ampel bamboo.

“Bamboo grows abundantly in Indonesia and is a sustainable resource. Meet human needs, without reducing their potential in the future. Economically viable, ecologically stable and culturally appropriate. Ensure the preservation of local nature.”

Bamboo cages are easy to clean. Because bamboo, which is the main material in making this cage, has water-resistant properties. That way, it will make it easier for chicken farmers to wash and clean their cages from all types of dirt that stick to the cages. Bamboo chicken coops create a more stable temperature and warm air and eliminate humidity in the air. so that the chickens will be more comfortable in the cage.

The weakness of bamboo baskets are short-lived. Bamboo is susceptible to fungal and insect attacks. Bamboo structures are flammable and can cause chickens to be injured due to jostling and scratching the bamboo. Bamboo baskets also cannot be arranged on a large scale during distribution because their flexible structure is at risk of shocks and impacts on certain roads.

Variations in duck feather colors help them adapt to their environment.

Domestic Ruminants

Sunlight provides life for every living creature on earth. Animals are no exception. Animals need vitamin D, just like humans. The sun provides abundant intake of this vitamin in an easy way. Just enough for animals to be in the sun will provide the body with vitamin D. Thus, body processes driven by calcium can be helped, for example the formation of strong teeth and bones.

To keep body temperature warm and stable, animals will use sunlight in their daily activities. Animals that absorb enough sunlight have a smoother digestive process. Sufficient sunlight allows all organs in the body to work well and optimally. Herbivorous animals need solar energy the most, the sun helps the growth and development of plants. When plants thrive, herbivorous animals will not lack food.

Morning sunlight can provide various health benefits. Exposure to morning sunlight can increase the production of vitamin D in the body, which plays a role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth and increasing the body's resistance to avoid disease.

Sheep and goats are closely related, both belonging to the subfamily Caprinae. However, they are separate species, so hybrids are rare and always infertile. A cross between a female sheep and a male goat is called a sheep-goat hybrid. Visual differences between sheep and goats include the goat's beard and the sheep's split upper lip. The sheep's tail also hangs down, although it is short or pulled together, while the goat's short tail is raised upwards. The difference between the males of these two species is that male goats acquire a unique and strong odor during their rut, while rams do not.

A healthy animal can be seen from its physical appearance, clean and shiny fur, fat and agile, bright and shiny face, good appetite, clean and normal openings (mouth, eyes, nose, ears and rectum).

Pak Yono, a mechanic and spring craftsman at the Triwindu market in Solo, Central Java. He does not hesitate to talk and share knowledge with visitors.

Working Subject

Agriculture has been an integral part of Indonesian culture and life for centuries. One of the typical types of agriculture is cultivating crops in rice fields. In cultivating plants in rice fields, there are various traditional tools that are still used today. With a touch of modern engineering, these tools help farmers in every aspect of agriculture and can support their productivity.

A sickle or better known as a scythe, is an agricultural tool used with one hand and designed with various curved blades. This traditional agricultural tool is generally used to harvest or reap grain crops, as well as cut grass when looking for food for livestock. Hundreds of variations of sickles have evolved over time, ranging from iron to steel. A sickle can be used to cut grain that is ready to harvest. Even though the harvesting process takes longer, immature rice clumps will not be cut. So farmers can be more selective in harvesting.

Parang is a traditional agricultural tool made of iron. This sharp weapon is generally used in traditional agriculture to cut or slash bushes, especially when used to go in and out of the forest. Furthermore, machetes are also widely used for agricultural activities, namely cutting down grass in rice fields.

A hoe is an agricultural tool that made of wood and iron. In general, a hoe is used to dig up the soil so that it is ready to be used for planting seeds, it can also be used to clear the soil of weeds or level the ground.

‘Engineering tools help farmers in every aspect of agriculture and support their productivity.’

Ani ani is a rice harvesting tool that is still widely used by farmers, especially in remote areas. The method for harvesting rice using ani ani is done by cutting the stalks of the rice grains one by one. By using ani ani, not all rice grains will be harvested or cut at the same time. This is because farmers will leave rice grains that are still green or immature to be harvested at a later date.


A person whose job is to make tools from iron or steel, such as farming tools, hoes, sickles, axes, knives and other sharp weapons. Traditionally, they are usually located near public markets or animal markets, where farmers in the village gather. To heat the iron, a fireplace is used, either made from teak charcoal or other hardwood, so that the heat produced can be maximized. A blacksmith uses anvils as a base when forming iron. Apart from making tools, a blacksmith can also sharpen old tools so they are sharp again.

Iron is the most common element on Earth by mass, making up most of the Earth's outer and inner core.

Iron is a metal that is abundant in the earth's crust. The main benefit of iron is that it is used to produce steel, which is one of the most important structural materials in the world. In fact, humans have been using iron for thousands of years. One of the benefits of iron that many people know is as a building material. However, some household items that are used daily also still choose iron as the basic material for making their tools. Even though in its development, quite a few household equipment have changed to aluminum, this does not mean that the existence of this metal has simply disappeared.

Iron metal has been used since ancient times, although it was combined with copper, which has a lower melting point, which was used earlier in human history. Pure iron is relatively soft, but cannot be obtained through smelting. This material hardens and is significantly strengthened by the carbon from the melting process. A certain proportion of carbon produces steel that is harder than pure iron. The ore is reduced with coal to form pig iron, which has a high carbon content. Further processing with oxygen reduces the carbon content so that it reaches the right proportions for steelmaking. Low carbon steels and iron alloys together with other metals are by far the most common metals used by industry, due to the wide range of properties obtained and the abundance of iron-containing rocks.


Punokawan sculpture works of art traded on the antiques market. Punokawan is a legendary icon for Javanese Wayang.

‘Entering a Time Hallway’

One of the unique and interesting markets for tourists to visit is the antiques market. Visiting antique markets is often used as a means of nostalgia as well as hunting for old craft products that are timeless. In the antique market there are various kinds of historical artifacts, ranging from ancient crafts, old furniture, to items of high artistic value. It's not surprising that a visit to the antiques market seems to take tourists into a "time tunnel" to the past. The opportunity to interact with traders who have in-depth knowledge regarding the history or origin of each antique item being sold, enhances and makes the holiday experience even more memorable.

The pattern of statue is often a reflection of the environmental conditions in which the art item is made and it is the form of classical & ancient Javanese philosophical symbols.