Nguripi jiwone kawulo dasih

Noodles are a popular staple ingredient in Asia. There are various kinds of noodles for different types of dishes, for example white noodles such as vermicelli. Vermicelli are fine noodles made from the starch of the palm tree. After boiling or soaking, vermicelli is clear in color, springy in texture and has a smooth surface. Sold dry and folded like a bird's nest, vermicelli are boiled or soaked until slightly soft before being used in various stir-fry dishes and soups. Vermicelli have almost no flavor, but absorb the broth and flavors of the other ingredients cooked with it. Without soaking in water first, vermicelli can be immediately fried until crispy and used as a base or decoration for food.

“Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Local food proven to be quite resistant to extreme conditions.

Food security has become an important issue amidst the increasing pace of climate change. Although currently food availability is still being pursued through various strategic policies and improving farmer skills. Food security faces major challenges from significant population growth. People's consumption patterns need to not depend on just one commodity, so that dependence on rice consumption decreases and consumption of local food from other carbohydrate sources increases. Indonesia has several superior varieties of local food commodities. The availability of seedlings is also widespread in the archipelago, making easier to increase production. Local food has quite resistant to drought and nutrient-poor soil. Each type of local food has varied nutritional content and is no less rich than rice.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”


The order of environmental elements is a comprehensive whole and influences each other in forming environmental balance, stability and productivity. Humans, as part of the ecosystem, also benefit from natural resources, food, clean water and a healthy environment. Actions to preserve and maintain the balance of ecosystems are very important so that humans can continue to enjoy their benefits and protect the environment for future generations.

The existence of natural resources is a guardian of natural balance. The balance of nature is greatly influenced by the level of exploitation of natural resources and the carrying capacity of the environment. The balance of nature is not disturbed when the natural resources used by humans are limited to meeting basic living needs. The balance of nature will be damaged when humans exploit natural resources excessively.

Natural balance is always related to environmental systems that work naturally by themselves to achieve balance. A natural balance is generally no longer achieved when there are human affairs in the environmental system. Humans cause damage to the balance of nature when they have an irresponsible attitude in maintaining the environment. Damage to the balance of nature ultimately causes suffering to humans.

‘Traditionally, natural balance is the interaction between nature and humans. The welfare of human life in the world is very dependent on the balance of nature and other living creatures. The maintenance of natural balance makes food sufficient for humans.’

Natural balance can be formed due to the existence of all living things in nature. Each living creature has a certain role in creating a harmonious natural balance. Every environmental component in nature is bound by the law of dependency which makes it unable to be absolutely independent. The existence of interdependence, mutual needs and mutual influence between environmental components forms a natural balance.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”


Emancipation is not something that needs to be claimed, demanded or even fought for. Creating, working, thinking and caring for family is the most real and closest human equality that can be done by anyone anywhere to continue to be beneficial and have an impact on the longevity and health of life that is bestowed on the human body. Time spent charging and demanding, without doing anything. Anyone will get results for the efforts made. Rights definitely come to those who deserve them, no one can hinder or reduce them. Feeling limited is just a way of defending the own incompetence. Maintaining persistence in action allows anyone to arrive at their goal. Great women continue to move, work with the best enthusiasm and effort they have for themselves and the families they love.

A person's position or status in society influences the role they play. In carrying out their roles, women are faced with the values ​​that society places on them.

The intelligence and expertise of women have contributed to development. Women have a big role as individuals, wives, mothers and citizens. Women carry out their domestic role in the family, caring for and raising with love the new generation who are healthy, capable and skilled. In many ways, women can take part in improving the welfare of a nation's society, becoming strategic actors in development. From the scope of development in villages to national development that can keep people's lives prosperous and civilized.

Empowered women can identify their own potential and actualize it. Empowered means being strong and capable to act to overcome problems. Self-potential is the basic ability within a person. Personal potential can develop well if accompanied by a supportive environment, treatment and adequate facilities. In fact, women are given a soft conscience, carry out their roles with heart and overcome various difficult situations in the family.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Action Produces

In the world of work there will be a process of communication, exchange of information and relationships between individuals who work together in a production activity. These interactions can shape work dynamics, influence productivity, and shape a unique work culture. Every day, individuals will interact with each other in various different situations, including at work. Collaboration in groups by several people who have skills is very useful for complementing each other and agreeing on common goals. Cooperation is a real form of the fact that humans are social creatures who need each other. Within the group there are interactions and forms of cooperation that have been agreed upon by each group member.

Collaboration is useful for lightening the burden borne by one person so that it can be shared equally. Each group member must be united to help other members in completing their tasks. When working on tasks together, each member must exercise a sense of trust in other members, holding joint discussions can solve the problems they face. The group can get profitable feedback and not act rashly. By working together, each group member has the opportunity to express opinions by communicating so that they do not make mistakes in providing important information. Collaboration can lighten the load and save time, tasks are carried out together and each group member contributes to completing the work more quickly. Collaboration can foster a sense of togetherness with other individuals, understand each other's character, encourage productivity, quickly find solutions to existing problems and increase opportunities to achieve mutual benefits.

Visible Supplication

Work gives purpose in life. Having income from work means being able to avoid various health problems caused by poverty and maintaining independence in meeting life's needs, becoming an empowered soul as part of wise and prosperous civilization life.

‘a Distinctive Local Food Icon’

Tulung areas in Klaten, Central Java are vermicelli producing centers. A number of vermicelli production houses in this village are inherited from long-standing family businesses. The production has been going on for generations from the founders to their successors since 1950. Production activities are carried out every day, the workers diligently and together carry out the preparatory stages of processing the basic ingredients of palm starch, mixing palm starch and water, cooking, molding, drying, weighing and packaging. Vermicelli production provides employment opportunities.

Vermicelli is produced traditionally by utilizing the heat of sunlight for the drying process. Zinc sheets were laid out by the workers to be used as a place to dry vermicelli. Palm tree trunks left over from the grating machine are used as the main fuel in the process of cooking palm flour. The production process is still experiencing the problem of residual waste from sugar palm tree trunk shavings from which the starch has been extracted, which can actually be used as organic compost fertilizer and a growing medium for edible mushrooms.

Arenga Pinnata

Plantations have become a way to build security, resilience, adaptability, and reduce vulnerability to climate change and other weather events, resulting in an abundance of renewable food sources that can be continuously available. A homogeneous agricultural system is an approach to plantations where the land of an area is managed uniformly by planting the same type of commodity, the concept of a plantation system with a single production basis. The implementation of homogeneous plantation systems tends to be more effective in the context of large commercial farms than at the smallholder level. A homogeneous plantation system is considered capable of intensifying an agricultural commodity, so that the quantity of production and quality of the commodity can be maintained well. By only planting one type of commodity, management will be more efficient and can optimize the potential of the plantation products produced.

The community maintains the plantation area, preserving traditional knowledge related to plantation activities. Preserving food crops, maintaining traditions and community living space. Local plantation systems developed by the community can be found in many places and islands in Indonesia. They have proven that the system is capable of running efficiently, sustainably and integrating well with the surrounding ecosystem.

Homogeneous forests can form in nature naturally, but can also be created with human help. Homogeneous forests are usually used for reforestation functions and industrial purposes. In contrast to heterogeneous forests which provide several types of natural resources, such as fruit, wood and spices, in homogeneous forests only one type of resource is available which is used in various industries. The existence of homogeneous forests is an effort to maintain the physical resilience of the land from erosion and landslides.

Choosing organic food ingredients  will limit the use of chemicals that harmful to the earth and life. Traditional food production systems in rural areas can be a solution to realizing food security and sovereignty, as well as empowering the community's economy. Traditional food systems are examples of production actions that more in harmony with nature and local culture.

Carried out every daytogether.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are the largest economic sectors in Indonesia, playing an important role as providers of equal distribution means and improving the economic quality of rural and traditional communities. It grows in various places, spread throughout all corners of the archipelago by diligent and hardworking souls. The development and empowerment of people's businesses is carried out to realize a national economic structure thats balanced, growing, sustainable as well as being strong and independent in developing regions, creating jobs and alleviating people from poverty, with equal distribution of access and economic facilities by the state.

Rural Communities

Villages are a vital part that cannot be separated in the hierarchical structure of the state. There would be no country without having the smallest parts which in the context of the Indonesian state are usually called villages. Indonesia was originally a local community that had territorial boundaries, was inhabited by a number of people, and had customs for managing its own region. The village and its government have experienced developments and ups and downs from time to time until now.

The village is the most basic authority in the government system. Villages have autonomy in building and running their own government. A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that has the authority to regulate and manage government affairs, the interests of local communities based on community initiatives, original rights or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the State government system.

Community groups jointly seek sustainable food sources to increase availability, accessibility and utilization, as well as income.

Human resources have great potential to help accelerate the process of improving the economy of village communities. All efforts to improve the economy will not be separated from human resources in the village as the main actor. Building human resources is very important for the state government to achieve significant improvements in the economy of village communities. Care is needed in observing the lives of village communities to discover their great potential in the fields of special skills, handicraft products, tourist attractions, agricultural products and culinary riches.

The concept of development in villages is a priority in development, villages and their communities can develop and be independent and can face various development challenges. The touch of village development continues to be carried out in an effort to empower villages and their communities.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Active & productive life in a sustainable manner by utilizing the potential of natural, human, social, economic & local wisdom resources independently & wisely.

The potential of natural and human resources in the village must be a source of strength in developing the village economy. Community based village infrastructure development is one of the strategic steps that needs to be taken to create an independent village. Village communities should be involved as development subjects so that the infrastructure that has been built is sustainable and able to answer community needs. By choosing local products, we contribute to creating food independence. Local farmers and traders will prosper economically, while consumers will get better access to healthy and quality food products. The conditions for fulfilling food for society and individuals are reflected in the condition of food availability which is sufficient and maintained in quantity and quality, nutritious and affordable in order to live a healthy life.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Mutual Role

Industry is a field or economic activity related to the processing or manufacture of raw materials using skills and labor with the use of tools in the field of processing agricultural products, and their distribution as the main activity. In general, industry is known as the next link in the chain of efforts to meet economic needs related to the earth, namely after agriculture and plantations which are closely related to the land. Industry is part of the processes and activities of the production process. Industry can also be defined as a collection of various producers who offer the same product. Each product is a substitute for each other because the company uses the same inputs and faces more or less the same group of suppliers and buyers.

Industry has become the key to economic growth and the rapid increase in people's income. Industrial activities play a significant role in economic, social and environmental factors. The influence of industry on the economy and society is a positive influence, where industrial activities create jobs and maintain community welfare. Meanwhile, the influence of industry on environmental pollution is a detrimental influence if not managed properly.

Sustainable management of natural resources can ensure that population needs are met without reducing their potential in the future. Natural resources are utilized for prosperity while still paying attention to the preservation of environmental functions. Thus, natural resources have a dual role as capital for economic growth as well as supporting living systems. In sustainable natural resource management, future generations are expected to be able to enjoy the rich potential of natural resources that their nation has. All communities can learn how to manage natural resources for the next generation.

Industry encourages the progress of other economic sectors. Developments in one industrial commodity have an impact on the development and expansion of related commodities. Industry provides increased employment opportunities in small and large scale industries. Industry absorbs unemployed and unemployed workers from the agricultural sector.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Lift & Carry

A handcart or wheelbarrow is a tool for carrying goods. The cart is designed to be pushed and controlled by a person using two handles on the back of the cart. The cart divides the load between the wheels and the user, thus allowing someone to carry heavier and larger items compared to carrying them directly without a handcart. The use of handcarts is very common in the fields of construction, production and plantations. Two-wheeled handcarts are more stable on the ground, while single-wheeled handcarts are able to maneuver more agilely in confined spaces or on sloping ground. Using a one-wheeled cart also makes it easier for users to empty their cargo.

‘Engineering tools help people in every aspect of production and support their productivity.’

Various types of lifting equipment and transportation equipment have been created and used in various industries to speed up and simplify the process of lifting and transporting goods or materials. Lifting and transport equipment itself is a tool used to make it easier for humans to work to move goods from one place to another. A person can lift heavy loads with less force, because the load is closer to the fulcrum. This equipment is designed to reduce the physical effort required to handle heavy or bulky items, making work processes more efficient and safe. Technical efficiency focuses on using the most effective production techniques and methods to minimize waste of resources such as time, raw materials, and labor. Transport equipment also includes any devices used to lift, lower or move loads. In various fields these tools are used to handle materials that cannot be transported by hand or manually. Lifting equipment is also used to transport larger quantities of goods, so fewer people are needed to move the material. This equipment is very useful in industrial processes, especially in transferring work products and work waste.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”

Each region can develop commodities according to the potential resources & markets available.

The economy of rural communities is an indicator of the success of a country's economic development. The smallest part of a country is a village. Efforts to advance and improve the economy of village communities can be done by increasing infrastructure development, advancing village potential and building human resources in the village. Increasing infrastructure development is very important to improve the economy of rural communities. Adequate infrastructure makes it easier for village communities to mobilize goods and services in and out of the village. Infrastructure progress will also attract business actors to come to develop villages, makes the development of transportation facilities to facilitate economic activities. So that commodity prices offered can be competitive due to efficient production and distribution costs.

Senajan ora nyugihi, nanging nguripi, kinaryo papan pangupo jiwone kawulo dasih”